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Company MEK

Muhammed Kaltuk founded the Company MEK in 2017 to give his art and creativity a strong framework. The Company develops productions between Hip Hop and Contemporary dance, 

cultural and dance traditions.

The Company is determined to create diversity and has activistic as well as artistic voice. Their movement language is strong and powerful and is different from all other ensemble in Switzerland. Company MEK stands on its own.


In his latest creation with Company MEK, Father Politics, deals with the powerlessness that politics can make people who are not part of the system or are marginalized feel. It was created in coproduction with Kaserne Basel and COLOURS International Dance Festival Stuttgart and is currently on a national and International Tour.

The great interest in Company MEK confirms that it is working at the puls of time and of the future. Company MEK shows in which direction contemporary dance should be going. Creating openness, diversity, entertainment but also artistry. Supporting the Company and its work is an invenstment in the future of the field.

Company MEK has a artistic voice, it is unique with a clear message and reach.

Company MEK - Father Politics Trailer

Company MEK - Father Politics Trailer

FATHER POLITICS is a co-production of Company MEK with Kaserne Basel and COLOURS Festival in Stuttgart under the direction of Swiss choreographer Muhammed Kaltuk. The first sketches were created in 2020 as part of the PREMIO Nachwuchspreis Tanz. FATHER POLITICS unmasks the emotionalization of politics, the opinion-making and polarization of political advertising campaigns, the influence and deliberate manipulation through differently interpreted, rewritten, twisted and altered truths. The young, multinational and diverse ensemble tells from a very personal perspective about powerlessness in the face of politics, about being paralyzed when you can't connect, when you don't feel represented. It is about taking a stand. It's about the energies that arise when you politicize yourself and get something moving. Fridays for Future shows that young people are absolutely political. FATHER POLITICS shows the dancing individualities of the ensemble and bundles the energy and strength of the common appearance in powerful common choreographies. With high professionalism and engagingly authentic MEK represents the new powerful, young, thriving generation CHANGE on stage. Choreography / Muhammed Kaltuk In close cooperation with the dancers / Malin Schuler, Annakatharina Chiedza Spörri, Manuel Janick von Arx, Egon Gerber, Giulia Esposito, Sarafina Beck, Moa Bomolo, Witthawat Tonja Music by Tobias Herzog (Clockworked) Stage Design / Kevin Peterhans Dramaturgie / Cindy Jänicke Light Design / Daniel Tschanz Production management & Touring / Cindy Jänicke Technik-Partner / nuance Veranstaltungsechnik GmbH Spokenword / Anna Chiedza Spörri #companymek #dancecompany #fatherpolitics

For more information and request 

 Email or Tel. +41 78 723 21 04

  • Instagram - Weiß Kreis
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